Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan January 16~18, 2023, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Poster sessions
Quantum target detection (QTD) is the job of deciding the existence of a target in a lossy and noisy environment by using nonclassical resources. In our work, we numerically determine the continuous-variable optimal probe state(OPS) for single-mode QTD in the whole range of reflectivity. Our analysis illustrates that in most conditions the OPSs are non-Gaussian states. For extreme cases, the OPS for zero target reflectivity is near a coherent state. On the other hand, the photon number squeezed state is the OPS for high reflectivity. Interestingly, the OPS returns to a near-coherent state at a specific point of reflectivity, providing the best stealth strategy for the target. This theoretical model demonstrates a clear physical insight for single-mode QTD and further lays the foundation for evaluating the optimal probe state for multimode QTD.
Keywords: Quantum optics, Quantum illumination, Gaussain state, optimal probe state